Lowood State High School | 3442456 | | | 1/03/2023 5:08:53 AM | 1/03/2023 5:08:53 AM | | | | | | 87607 | 1510 | | | | | | 0 | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au | {CDD70D78-C6BD-4D77-BA08-DCAFEBF3DD33} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 39232;16 | 39232 |
Site map | 3442616 | | | 16/04/2020 7:08:58 AM | 16/04/2020 7:08:58 AM | | STS_ListItem_850 | | | | 1478 | 37 | | | | | | 0 | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au | {241993B7-E760-4DF5-8643-4B338E87E4B0} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 39232;16 | 39232 |
Lowood State High School | 12445 | | Creating the future | | | | STS_Site | | | | 87607 | 1510 | | | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au/SiteCollectionImages/sitelogo.png | Creating the future | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au/OurSchool Our%20school https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au/ourenrolments Enrolments | 1 | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au | | True | BLANKINTERNET | | | | | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_WebPage.js | 39233;11 | 39233 |
search | 3442615 | | | 13/02/2025 2:17:06 PM | 13/02/2025 2:17:06 PM | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | | | False | | | | | | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 39232;0 | 39232 |
Our school | 3442457 | | | 14/09/2022 11:41:59 PM | 14/09/2022 11:41:59 PM | Lowood State High School is a large rural Queensland school educating students from Year 7 through to Year 12 The school was established in 1983 and is located 32 km north-west of | | | | | 895 | 0 | | | | | | 0 | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au/OurSchool | {D2EDAC2C-E68F-4B09-8A37-DE248405F602} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 39232;16 | 39232 |
Enrolments | 3442458 | | | 3/12/2024 1:46:29 AM | 3/12/2024 1:46:29 AM | Lowood State High School is now an enrolment managed school Lowood SHS can no longer guarantee enrolment for those out of our geographical catchment area | | | | | 1420 | 0 | | | | | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au/enrolments/stationery-lists Stationery%20Lists | 1 | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au/ourenrolments | {BB294E57-FDED-432F-8B23-16B12FDF0B9C} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 39232;16 | 39232 |
Curriculum | 3442459 | | | 17/06/2024 1:21:52 AM | 17/06/2024 1:21:52 AM | Senior Education and Training Plans (SET Plans) ensure that students and their parents/caregivers have the opportunity to meet with a senior member of staff to discuss their plans | | | | | 1950 | 0 | | | | | | 0 | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au/ourcurriculum | {7C1883FC-7B11-4EF1-BAF0-30AD3F8D0AC6} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 39232;16 | 39232 |
Extra-curricular | 3442460 | | | 1/09/2021 4:06:47 AM | 1/09/2021 4:06:47 AM | These are activities where students elect to participate and include Cluster Days, Sporting Trips, Cultural Activities and Performances Costs for each activity are also advised by | | | | | 525 | 0 | | | | | | 0 | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au/ExtraCurricular | {AD263C14-6541-4B67-9FB0-0E4483614D72} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 39232;16 | 39232 |
Facilities | 3442461 | | | 20/04/2020 10:14:33 PM | 20/04/2020 10:14:33 PM | In this section you can find information on our school's facilities | | | | | 374 | 0 | | | | | | 0 | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au/ourfacilities | {6E196FD6-0C84-44D4-BB3F-D730173E0F8A} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 39232;16 | 39232 |
Calendar and news | 3442462 | | | 20/04/2020 10:19:42 PM | 20/04/2020 10:19:42 PM | In this section you can browse school events, term dates, our newsletter and news stories | | | | | 406 | 0 | | | | | | 0 | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au | html | False | | aspx | | https://lowoodshs.eq.edu.au/CalendarAndNews | {14AF3E61-A506-4703-A302-73B1096ABC70} | | | ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Z1/Skins/CUESearch/DisplayTemplates/Item_Default.js | 39232;16 | 39232 |