Well-being Curriculum - PERMAH
Lowood State High School recognises that a student's Emotional Literacy is integral to their success at school. Having positive coping mechanisms links to better engagement with learning, and builds confidence and resilience in a young person.
The Well-being Lessons explicitly highlight areas of a person's well-being, allowing guided discussion, group work, reflection and role plays, while teaching and strengthening a student's coping strategies.
The lesson comprises of 4 sections:
- Mindfulness – which is explicitly taught and practiced, encouraging students to use this strategy in other areas of their life
- Positive Behaviour for Learning – the Rule of the Week, in alignment with our RISE (Respect, Integrity, Self-Reliance, Engagement) values, is explicitly taught and discussed, with supporting activities, examples and role plays
- Brain Breaks – an evidence based practice for students to 'take a brain break' from their learning, which increases engagement and reduces fatigue
Well-being – a targeted and logical series of lessons to highlight age-appropriate matters for the students around the areas of:

Positive Emotions - Encourages individuals to "anticipate, initiate, prolong and build positive emotional experiences" and accept and develop healthy responses to negative emotions (Norrish, Robinson & Williams 2013)
Engagement - Involves living a life high in interest, curiosity and absorption and pursuing goals with determination and vitality (Norrish, Robinson & Williams 2013)
Relationships - Consists of "developing social and emotional skills to enable the development of nourishing relationships with self and others" (Norrish, Robinson & Williams 2013)
Meaning - Is about developing an understanding of the benefits of serving a cause greater than ourselves and engaging in related activities (Norrish, Robinson & Williams 2013)
Accomplishment - Involves striving for and achieving meaningful outcomes (Norrish, Robinson and Williams 2013)
Health - Refers to establishing habits that support positive physical and psychological health (Norrish, Robinson & Williams 2013)
Students are provided with guided learning, discussions and strategies for success in these areas of their life.
House Deans
Oxley Crocs Mrs Laura McKay lxmck6@eq.edu.au
Lockyer Lions Ms Stacey Sallis smanz1@eq.edu.au
Logan Sharks Mr Brett Donald bmdon1@eq.edu.au
Cunningham Hornets Ms Kat Day kday47@eq.edu.au
House Spirit
The four (4) Houses participate in a variety of activities such as Athletics, Swimming, Cross Country, a range of other sporting, cultural and school events. House Leaders are elected to assist with the organisation and development of House Spirit Activities. Houses compete each year for the House Spirit Trophy.