Applied senior subject
Social & Community Studies focuses on personal development and social skills which lead to self-reliance, self-management and concern for others. It fosters appreciation of, and respect for, cultural diversity and encourages responsible attitudes and behaviours required for effective participation in the community and for thinking critically, creatively and constructively about their future.
Students develop personal, interpersonal, and citizenship skills, encompassing social skills, communication skills, respect for and interaction with others, building rapport, problem solving and decision making, self-esteem, self-confidence and resilience, workplace skills, learning and study skills.
Students use an inquiry approach in collaborative learning environments to investigate the dynamics of society and the benefits of working with others in the community. They are provided with opportunities to explore and refine personal values and lifestyle choices and to practise, develop and value social, community and workplace participation skills.
A course of study in Social & Community Studies can establish a basis for further education and employment, as it helps students develop the skills and attributes necessary in all workplaces.
By the conclusion of the course of study, students should:
- recognise and describe concepts and ideas related to the development of personal, interpersonal and citizenship skills
- recognise and explain the ways life skills relate to social contexts
- explain issues and viewpoints related to social investigations
- organise information and material related to social contexts and issues
- analyse and compare viewpoints about social contexts and issues
- apply concepts and ideas to make decisions about social investigations
- use language conventions and features to communicate ideas and information, according to purposes
- plan and undertake social investigations
- communicate the outcomes of social investigations, to suit audiences
- appraise inquiry processes and the outcomes of social investigations.